Building a Rube Goldberg machine

Building a Rube Goldberg machine

Over the past several months, I’ve been working on a client project that’s really captured my imagination: a Rube Goldberg machine!

I’ve also been busy at work writing, animating and filming a little "Making of" series to share with y’all. I rarely have the time or forethought to document my design process, so this is a rare sneak peek behind-the-scenes about my experience working on this project, as I took it from a dreamy idea to a tangible, physical artifact.

I'll be posting one video of this short 6-part series every Friday for the next 6 weeks. The Introduction went up today on YouTube – I'd love if you subscribed and followed along on my journey!

I’ve included the Intro episode below – it’s less than 2 minutes long and gives you a sense of what these lil’ videos will be like.

Would love to hear what you think!

Psst - you can also check out the final Rube Goldberg machine—created for my client Canopy Planet—in all its glory here.

The Client/Designer Partnership

The Client/Designer Partnership

Play your own game

Play your own game