An equal, free amount money given to every Canadian (no matter what age, gender, ethnicity or skill set), every month, with no strings attached? A blog post about the evils of Universal Basic Income.
All in lifestyle
An equal, free amount money given to every Canadian (no matter what age, gender, ethnicity or skill set), every month, with no strings attached? A blog post about the evils of Universal Basic Income.
Somehow a month has passed (even more: 5 weeks!) since I started my AHGOS (Annoyingly Healthy and Goal-Oriented Schedule). Let’s see how my first 5 weeks went!
If the mere words “debt”, “money”, and “interest rates” make your eyes goes hazy with boredom—or make you feel silly for not understanding what any of it means—let me take this moment to reassure you: apparently, no one does. Thoughts on David Graeber’s book Debt: The First 5,000 Years.
This post is a rambling discussion of what I love about podcasts, why I love them, and my dreams of (like everyone else and their dog) starting my own.
An exploration of my schedule with an hourly breakdown (nerd alert!), why there are never enough hours in the day, and allowing myself some time to linger and mope upon these frustrations before realizing that perhaps I’ve been focusing on the wrong thing all along.
Trigger warning: If you love yoga with all your heart and soul, you will probably not enjoy this post. If, however, you would benefit from commiserating with me about the awfulness of yoga, then please read on.
My 4-month pandemic-life journey to following an annoyingly healthy schedule.